Fall River Resource Conservation District
Wood Innovation Grant
"The Forest Service supports proposals that significantly stimulate or expand wood products and wood energy markets that support the long-term management of National Forest System and other forest lands. The Wood Innovations Grants funding supports traditional wood utilization projects, expands wood energy markets, and promotes using wood as a construction material in commercial buildings. These grants and cooperative agreements support the Agricultural Act of 2014 (Pub. L. 113–79), Rural Revitalization Technologies (7 U.S.C. 6601), and the nationwide challenge of disposing of hazardous fuels and other wood residues from the National Forest System and other forest lands in a manner that supports wood products and wood energy markets." For this project, multiple avenues of planning and preparation were taken to prepare for the Bioenergy Cluster Project including feedstock supply and shortage, financing options, policy, technology and engineering, site updates, design, and communication and outreach campaigns.
What this grant accomplished:
Crucial planning of multiple facilities for the Bioenergy Cluster Project including bid-ready civil drawings accounting for grading, foundations, water supply, wastewater management, transportation access and fire management.
Received approval from applicable county departments including the building department and fire marshal for engineering drawings.
Based on the results of the Detailed Study Process, completed electrical engineering drawings for the project.
Received approval for applicable county departments and PG&E for the electrical engineering design.
Determined final site preparation costs estimates based on the engineering documents.
Prepared electrical engineering documents for PG&E Detailed Study Process.
Completed PG&E's Initial Review, and if applicable the Supplemental Review.
Completed the Detailed Study Process for applicable projects.
Provided for regular meetings with local project developers and and potential collocated enterprises to disseminate relevant information.
Successfully communicated the project to the public through the use of various outreach campaigns.
Site Specific
Civil Engineering - Grading Plan (HC BioE)
Mechanical Engineering - Site Plan and Plan View of Thermal Oil Heater (HC BioE)
Structural Engineering - Structural Tower Drawing (HC BioE)
Electrical Engineering - One line and three line drawings of Hat Creek
PG&E Interaction (Burney-HC BioE) - PPA Signature Page and System Impact Study
Air Permit Engineering (Burney-HC BioE) - Emissions analysis
Permit Fees & Environ Comp & Legal Fees - EIR
Electrical Engineering (Tubit Ent. Project) - Application acceptance by PG&E
Electrical Engineering (McArthur Project) - Application acceptance by PG&E