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2022 Agendas

Jan 18, 2022

5 PM

Board Meeting

New Business

Forest Service Discussion

Job Description for WUI Coordinator

Conflict Waiver IMF/RCD Agreement

SNC Resolution

Gun Club Lease 2022

Board Meeting Minutes

Grant Opportunities


Old Business

Strategic Planning & Project Prioritization

Shooting Sports Complex – Oak removal

Office Remodel Updates

McArthur Swamp Discussion – Future Plans (Farming Fields)

Hire WUI Coordinator

Employee Benefits

Feb 15, 2022

7 PM

Board Meeting

New Business

Crossroads Project Discussion

Partnership for Climate Smart Commodities Grant

Electric Charging Stations Grant

Swamp and FRPU Properties

Intro to Forestry and Wildlife curriculum

Conflict of Interest and Sexual Harassment Training Renewal

Cal Deer Association Dinner

Jr. Hunt Donation


Old Business

Shooting Sports Complex – Oak removal

Office Remodel Updates

McArthur Swamp Discussion – Future Plans (Farming Fields)

Hire WUI Coordinator

Employee Benefits

March 3, 2022

7 PM

Special Board Meeting

New Business

FRPU and Swamp Properties Project Discussion

March 15, 2022

7 PM

Board Meeting

New Business

PGE Pole Line Location Discussion

Great Shasta Rail Trail Grant Application

Recreational Trails Program Grant


Old Business

Crossroads Project

CCI Budget Amendment

Shooting Sports Complex – Oak removal

Conflict of Interest and Sexual Harassment Renewal

Office Remodel Updates

Hire WUI Coordinator

April 19, 2022

7 PM

Board Meeting

New Business
Request to Lassen National Forest to Lead a District/Forest Wide Planning and Implementation Project
Great Shasta Rail Trail Grant Application
FRPU Grazing - Fencing and Lease
OPR Meeting and Expenses
Hire Employees – Defensible Space Program
Defensible Space Mailer
Extension of DOC activities
Canal Maintenance - Swamp

Old Business
Shooting Sports Complex – Oak removal
Office Remodel Updates
Hire WUI Coordinator

May 3, 2022

6 PM

Special Board Meeting

New Business

FRPU and Swamp Properties Project Presentation – Cassie Roeder

Set up Property/Project Committees

Jackrabbit NOE

Defensible Space Mailers

May 17, 2022

7 PM

Special Board Meeting

New Business
Pit 1 Powerhouse Relicensing
Great Shasta Rail Trail Grant Application
SNC Indirects Discussion
Open TEAM Fellow
New Board Member

Old Business
Forest Wide Planning and Implementation Project Adoption
Office Remodel Updates
Hire WUI Coordinator
Climate Smart Commodities Grant

June 28, 2022

7 PM

Special Board Meeting

New Business

Forest Wide A-Z Partner Model

SNC Vibrant Rec. & Tourism Grant App Resolution

Green Waste/Fuels Reduction

Approval of BLM - Fuels Reduction Grant Application


Old Business

Forest Wide Planning and Implementation Project Adoption

Pit 1 Powerhouse Relicensing

New Board Member

Hire WUI Coordinator

Office Remodel Updates

July 19, 2022

7 PM

Board Meeting

New Business

Sierra Nevada Conservancy Grant Approval

McArthur Swamp 2022/23 Hunting Season

Intermountain Youth Sports Fundraiser


Old Business

New Board Member

Hire WUI Coordinator

Office Remodel Updates

August 16, 2022

7 PM

Board Meeting

New Business

Letter to Lassen National Forest Supervisor

CEQA Lead Agency for CFA for Fuel Break Project Along Hwy 89

McArthur Rd Ag Well

Intermountain Youth Sports Fundraisers

Gun Range Clean Up



Old Business

New Board Member

Office Remodel Updates

September Board Meeting Postponed

October 11, 2022

6 PM

Board Meeting

New Business

ANEW Presentation

Healthy Soils Grant Opportunities

Soldier Mountain WUI NOE

Sick Leave Policy


Old Business

New Board Member

Office Remodel Updates

November 15, 2022

6 PM

Board Meeting

New Business

Approve Contract with ANEW

Conservation Easement Amendment – FRPU Property

Fall River Lake Wetland/Hunting Proposal - Julie

Fall River Lake Trail Proposal – Sky Snyder

Equipment Storage Area

Youth Hunting Article


Old Business

Office Remodel Updates

Sick Leave Policy

New Board Member

November 22, 2022

6 PM

Board Meeting

New Business

New Business

Approve Contract with ANEW

Sick Leave Policy

Fall River Lake Easement Amendment

Approve New Board Member

Office Remodel

December 19, 2022

6 PM

Board Meeting

New Business
Gun Club Lease
Re-Appointment of Board Members
Discussion of Merchantable Timber/Landowners

Old Business
Sick Leave Policy
Office Remodel Update
Equipment Storage Area

44327 Hwy 299 E                              © 2017 by Fall River Resource Conservation District                                                (530) 336-6591

Created by Prism Designs

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